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Operation Skybound: Our Liftoff to the Azure Cloud

While lift and shift is a pragmatic first step, it's really just the beginning of your cloud journey. You'll still be running traditional workloads just in Azure's cloud. The bigger opportunities come in modernizing your applications and processes.

Modernizing for the Cloud With your systems running in Azure, you can now rearchitect applications to be truly cloud-native – decomposing monoliths into microservices, adding scalable NoSQL databases, orchestrating containers, leveraging serverless functions, and taking advantage of Azure's advanced services like AI, IoT, and more.

Start mapping out what this modern cloud environment could look like for your business:

  • Adopt cloud design patterns like event-driven or CQRS architectures

  • Break up monoliths into independently scalable microservices

  • Utilize managed database services like Cosmos DB

  • Build automated CI/CD pipelines for rapid iteration

  • Deploy containers at scale with AKS and containerize everything

  • Maximize cost-efficiency with consumption-based, auto-scaling models

  • Bring advanced services like AI, Analytics, and IoT online

It will likely be a multi-year transformation journey, but one that unlocks the full potential of cloud computing.

Financials and ROI Of course, there has to be a solid business case behind any cloud migration. Common ROI factors include:

Cost Savings

  • Reducing data center overhead and CapEx

  • Pay-as-you-go consumption model

  • Autoscaling to minimize idle resources

Productivity Gains

  • Self-service provisioning and automation

  • Focus engineering on innovation, not undifferentiated work

New Revenue

  • Accelerate product cycles and release cadences

  • Enable new digital products & business models

Risk Mitigation

  • Robust security, compliance, DR, and BCP

  • Distribute workloads across Azure's global footprint

Model out all expenses for compute, storage, networking, data transfers, and services. But also quantify softer benefits like opportunity costs, security/compliance obligations, and productivity gains. ROI timeframes of 12-36 months are common.

Challenges Of course, no cloud migration comes free of challenges and risks that must be considered:

Skills and Culture Shift

  • Significant learning curve for cloud technologies

  • Managing new operational and financial models

  • Change management and organizational resistance

Networking and Security

  • Identity and access management is very different

  • Data flows and networking across hybrid environments

  • Evolving shared responsibility security model

Application Complexity

  • Not all legacy apps easily modernize, need to re-platform

  • Data gravity challenges with large transactional datasets

  • Dependencies on non-cloud resources

Test extensively, automate relentlessly, and foster a DevOps culture of continuous learning.

The Skills Challenge Successfully operating in Azure's cloud requires modern engineering capabilities that could be new for your organization:

Cloud Architecture

  • Distributed systems design and cloud-native patterns

  • Infrastructure as code with ARM, Terraform, etc.

  • Cost optimization and consumption monitoring


  • Source control and CI/CD automation

  • Configuration management and drift control

  • Monitoring, logging, and telemetry pipelines

Site Reliability

  • Incident response and chaos engineering

  • Performance tuning and scaling processes

  • Self-service deployment and GitOps workflows

Security and Governance

  • Policies and guardrails with Azure Blueprint

  • Encryption and key management

  • Authentication and Access controls

Data Management

  • Data storage patterns and data gravity planning

  • NoSQL and modern data platforms

  • Data pipelines and analytics workflows

While your existing ops and engineering teams can grow into these roles, it will likely require a mix of training and new hires for a comprehensive set of cloud skills.

Build Your Cloud Operating Model How you choose to build teams, processes, and responsibilities around Azure will determine how effectively you can leverage the cloud in the long run. Strong cloud operating models start with DevOps philosophies around automation, iterative development, and self-service.

Focus your teams around key cloud capabilities:

  • Core Cloud Platform and Azure Enablement

  • Application Development and DevOps

  • Cloud Security and Governance

  • Cost Optimization and FinOps

  • Data Engineering and Analytics

Bringing in third-party partners can also accelerate cloud adoption with proven templates and expertise to build upon.

Ultimately, a successful Azure cloud strategy stems from both a strong technical and organizational foundation. Up level your people, processes, and culture to be cloud-first, and Azure can be a potent catalyst for innovation.


Sash Barige


Cloud Strategy

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Making it Happen

DevOps Rigor


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